Thursday, August 31, 2006
We had small programme for the children. The Elim church is having regular Sunday school for the children. Every six month we are having a special programme for the children such as children’s retreat, bible Quiz, choreography, skit etc. Through these we are molding and preparing from various community children to come with one fellowship to know Jesus is the only one God. Many of them are accepting Jesus and they are attending our worship in our church. Through these children we are able to meet some of their parents and we are able to give them gospel.
Continued work among street children
STREET CHILDREN: As I mentioned in my previous news letter we are working among the street children Rag Pickers and also children abused by child labor, previously we went to their places to find them and give the gospel and the meal. But now, God has enabled us to start a small school among these children. Around thirty five children are coming everyday to learn about Jesus as well as the regular school subjects. Mrs. Glory sargunam ( Pastor. Timothy’s wife) and Mrs. Fathima Antony are taking care of these school. We are providing for their study materials as well as we are giving them lunch everyday. For the medical camp to teach them their personal Hygiene. Please pray for these special programme, so that this work will be elaborate through this Gods name will be glorified.
Widows are being helped
Widows programme: We are having a small group of senior widows, those who are neglected by their family members. Every week, we are having a special get together, also we are sharing them the love of God by the way of meeting their needs giving special me

Word from Salem India
We were able to arrange special meetings in churches, prisons, orphanages,hospitals,lepers colony and in villages. More than 1500 people being blessed and 250 acceptedJesus as their Lord and Saviour. At right leper colony
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
HRSI has six ministry affiliates in Bangalore. This is a city of some 15,000,000 people where it is estimated that 10 to 11 million live in the slums. The population is about 97% Hindu and 1.5% Christian and 1.5% Muslim.

Bangalore City Mission is a church, an orphanage of 17 children, and a Christian school with 200 children in attendence. They are a social service provider to the low-cast slums of the city. They educate children from a quarry town where the people have been relegated to work with no hope of ever inproving their lot. Most die of disease in the quarry environment where children work from a very young age. Sister Violet Raj and son Jonathan, are providing leadership for this ministry. They provide for the orphans in their personal home. They have recently build a 3 story building to use for services to the poor. Four other providers in this city are giving help to refugees, lepers, drug addicts, and other services to those who are poor and underprivileged.
Other India locations
Three other ministry locations in India are in Salem, Bombay, and to tribal peoples in Andra Pradesh.
AFRICACry Cameroon Ministries Our key interest is with The Abundant Life Children’s Home which serves the needs of orphans. Many children are orphaned by the AIDS epidemic. The first priority in 2003 was to raise $15,000 to build a new orphanage. They are now occupying this facility. The former facility accommodated 30 orphans and had a grass thatched roof. Love and security are provided for these dear little ones. 66% of the children are at the orphanage because of HIV-AIDS. One hundred children will be served by the fall of 2006.
There is great emphasis with education. This includes 3 High Schools and 23 Elementary Schools. Many of the teachers work for low salaries, or are willing to forgo salaries because of their commitment to the children. Most of the children are poor and cannot afford tuition. A Bible Seminary is operated for the training national pastors. It is a small but effective ministry to 15 students. They operate on limited funds. Much more could be accomplished with gifts to underwrite tuition.
At a Blind and Deaf Center 50 children are served at this center. They are taught skills in farming, weaving, and sculpture. Many are not being served because of lack of facilities and staffing.
Church planting and nurturing of existing churches is a large endeavor of Cry Cameroon as well. Additional finances are a major need at this time.
Wordsower Ministries, Ghana, West Africa Thousands of boys and girls receive benefits of education at schools as well as at orphanages for poor and abandoned children. A present project is to develop a complex in Ghana to serve poor refugees who have no medical services available to them. There are over 43,000 refugees who live on a small 23 acre compound. We are pleased with the opportunity to partner Jason and Sharon Nightingale who are dedicated Christians and provide help to so many in Jesus Name.
Capetown City Mission, South Africa HRSI provides for services to HIV-AIDS babies who have no one to care for them. These services are unusually challenging due to fragile health of the little ones. Sick and crying babies who have been brought into the world suffer from the sin of adults. The love and compassion and mercy of Jesus is nowhere more clearly seen as in these workers who serve dying infants.
Reach Youth, Manilla These boys are part of a group of 3000 street children who are provided meals and much more each week. The children's mothers are taught hygiene, parenting, homemaking, and other coping skills. An orphanage and many Christian programs are part of ongoing services.
We have locations in Pau Pau New Guina, Haiti, Guyana, South America, the Ukraine, and at two sites on American Indian Reservations.
Your financial and prayers are greatly desired and needed.
We encourage financial gifts at this time. So much can be done with so little overseas. A dollar can be stretched to do the work it would take ten do here in the states.
Homeless Rescue Services, Inc.923 View Drive Richmond, CA phone 301-9418 HRSI is a California non-profit corporation that provides tax-deductible receipts. We also receive gifts of securities, real estate, and automobiles.
Gifts may be made online via Local Indepentent Charities of America. Visit us on our Website at