Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Exciting evangelism in the barios of northern Mexico
Matthew 18:14 Institute has a program that
trains Christians in Tijuana and Northern Mexico to minister to children who live in the barios.
More than fifty adult students not only learn the Word of God, but strategies for evangelizing and making disciples of the children.
This is a hands-on ministry, where the intellectual and the practical meet.
Matthew 18:14 has been under the capable leadership of Becky Degodoy, a pastors wife who has a passion to teach and send workers into the the ministry.
Bario ministry...the team goes to poor.
This great work is very creative doing neighborhood block parties using clowns and providing meals along with music and drama presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community.
One of the very creative ways of reaching the boys in the barios for Christ is their bicycle clubs. These are called "Memo" clubs that appeal this special interest group. Many bicycles are donated. Leader Becky Degodoy and helpers
The words "creative" and "Imaginitive" are very
appropriate. This work is done primarily with volunteers. The material needs are met with donations. Homeless Rescue Services have been part of the support team for at least 20 years. We would strongly encourage you to pray for this energetic team. We would also encourage gifts to support this great work.
For more info contact www.homelessrescue.org
You may donate on Local Independent Charities website