Friday, October 21, 2011

LIBERIA…In the villages of West Africa
Profile of Brother Kim Smith
We have added Wordsower / Liberia to those who we desire to strengthen and support. Kim Smith is a man of God who has paid a high price to serve the poor in Liberia. He has chosen to live with those he serves in very humble quarters and circumstances.
Picture is of Kim Smith sharing God’s Word in humble circumstances
Brother Jason Nightingale visited Liberia last month and shared with us a report on this field:
Liberia: 3,500,000 people, 90 % unemployment, people live on .50 cents a day
Ministry: They have planted 115 churches 12 men serve as church planters/evangelist
Pray as Homeless Rescue Services increases our commitment toward the ministry of church planting to this part of Africa.
Kim Smith and team have planted 115 churches, and distributed 25,000 New Testaments in Liberia. He lives as a labor of love among the poor he serves.