Friday, June 07, 2013

SOUTHERN INDIA                                 

JMHA is a ministry to the very poor in Salem, India.
Leprosy is still a scourge in India, but Pastor D’has organizes outreach's to bring help and medical care to the needy.  Mrs. D’has is a medical doctor who serves with her husband.  They also minister to people who have HIV/AIDS among other needs.

Pastor Glory D’has works in a city that is known for two things:
   Steel production and female infant death.                              
   We are shocked that people would abandon their girls, but because the people are so poor they cannot afford to pay a dowry to get their girls married the girls are abandoned.

One of their programs is to develop Community Outreach Centers in towns and villages where services are provided.

They start a church at these centers, but outreaches are provided daily to the needy.  Here they have schools, medical outreaches and job-skills training at these centers.

Malcolm and Jo Lee will meet with Pastor D'has the second week of June, 2013


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