Saturday, November 14, 2009


From Joy Reyes, Director of the work in Manila

“In spite of our economic problems, the ministry is growing. We now have 4,500 street children and almost 800 adults being taught and fed, 10 children in our Home, and we have just concluded our summer activities such as sports fest for about 190 participating street children, 126 street boys were circumcised, medical and dental needs were met in 7 areas. Over 1 thousand patients benefited from the medical clinic.
This week we will have our Vacation Bible School graduation for the 4,500 children and the adults too. Recently, we opened work in Davao, the result of our two (husband & wife) workers who migrated in that city“.
Children are also sponsored into school programs…from small children up to and including college”.

4 monsoons have hit the islands in the last month, causing flooding and displacement in a widespread area.

Homeless Rescue Services partners with an outreach in Porte-au-Prince, Haiti.

Orphan children are cared for in this poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The orphanage has grown from accommodating 40 to now serving over 100 children. Many of you helped provide for the new building to care for so many new children. They feed, clothe, and educate so many children. This is a demonstration of a true work of faith. Another building now accommodates these children. Many of you have been part of this miracle.

For more info contact
You may donate on Local Independent Charities website


Report of Recovery Center in the Ukraine

Good Messinger Mission in Nicolaev, Ukraine has done a remarkable work. I traveled there in 1993 and came to love the ministry of the church and their varied ministries.

They have planted 53 churches since my trip and continue to do an aggressive work in this former communist country.

Pastor Slavik was sent to prison in Siberia for preaching in the former days of the Soviet Union. This is a picture of the men that are in their rehab center that was developed about a year ago.

Pastor Slavik said, “We now have 20 men in this program. We have seen many miracles as God has set men free to serve Jesus Christ.” His determination continues to motivate him to further good work.

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